THU • 4:30-5:30P
SAT • 7-8A
Single Class $20
Apply your Yoga Barn class pack or drop in and Venmo at the door
Shelby Walker
Shelby is an Anne Arundel County native who loves yoga (duh!), as well as hiking, traveling, her cat (Homer), and hanging out with her husband, friends, and family. She has been practicing yoga since 2010 when a friend encouraged her to tag along to a yoga class. Shelby was a lifelong dancer, so the movement of yoga came naturally to her. What was unnatural to her, was the practice of radical self-acceptance that is ingrained in yoga. Shelby quickly learned that she had a lot of unlearning to do, and swiftly fell in love with yoga.
As her devotion to yoga grew, Shelby enrolled in a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training with Charm City Yoga in 2016. She trained under Camille McCarroll and began teaching at Yogaworks and Prana Yoga Studios. Shelby is a high school teacher and loves to infuse yoga and mindfulness into her lessons. She has taught Stretch Your Wellness as a physical education class for high school students and has become a certified Mindful Schools Educator.
Shelby offers a well-rounded yoga practice that consists of asana (postures), pranayama (breathwork), and meditation. Her dedication to sound alignment and the use of props will empower you to feel strong and stable in your yoga practice. She will do her best to meet you where you are and challenge you to create space for self-acceptance and growth in your yoga practice.
Shelby wants to thank her teachers, the teachers that came before her, and the teachers that teach alongside her. She honors that yoga originated in India 5000+ years ago therefore, Shelby is not the creator of this practice. Shelby is grateful to be a forever student of the yoga practice.
***Shelby believes that yoga should be accessible to everyone. If the cost of this class prohibits you from coming to class, please reconsider and ask Shelby about her Pay What You Can Plan.