Be Well Slow Flow
MON • 7-8P
Be Well Solar Flow
THU • 5:30-6:30P
Single Class $20
Students can register in advance
Drop in and Venmo at the door
Adelyn Navarro
Adelyn is a 500 RYT Ayurveda Yoga Teacher and an Ayurveda Wellness Counselor. She’s a self-healer and a never-ending seeker. Gratitude is her magic, self-growth is her jam, and good music vibrates her soul. She is passionate about sharing the principles of Yoga and Ayurveda as she truly believes self-knowledge is the power to our health, happiness, and to having a good time while we’re here on earth.
Yoga and Ayurveda came to Adelyn at a time when she realized she was in need of deep self-healing. After many years of living with a dysregulated nervous system, chronic inflammation, and long stressful work days as a producer in the TV industry, Adelyn’s mind and body let her know it was time for a shift. She fully committed to her yoga practice and made an impulsive decision to get certified as a teacher. From there she was introduced to Ayurveda, and followed her intuition to immerse herself into a year-long Ayurveda teaching program. After learning about the ancient self-healing philosophy, Adelyn incorporated a seasonal Ayurvedic approach into her lifestyle and never looked back. She gained the tools needed to nourish her nervous system, heal imbalances in her body, and started learning how to live as her highest self. Spoiler alert — she’s still learning! It’s a forever practice as we move through the different phases of life but having Ayurvedic tools at her disposal, Adelyn knows how to curate the support she needs, when she needs it.
After big life changes, a cross-country move back to her hometown, and becoming a Mama to her son Nash, Adelyn has used the tools of Ayurveda to support her through pregnancy, postpartum and even beyond, what she likes to call the 5th Trimester: Mama’s Rebirth. Experiencing life as a new Mama and learning to navigate her new self, Adelyn is creating the ‘Mama Be Well’ coaching program to help guide Mamas through their rebirths using these tried-and-true holistic tools and her professional organizational skills from her producing career. She is passionate about this space for Mamas because it is so deeply needed.
Adelyn advocates for Yoga and Ayurveda for everyone because these practices truly support everybody and every physical body. She loves to teach both strong flows and slow flows because balance is what it’s all about. When the mind, body and soul are in balance, anything in life is possible. And when they fall out of balance, that’s what Yoga and Ayurveda are for so that we may be well. Let’s be well together!